Ugly Camera是一款可以轻松拍出搞怪照片的搞笑自拍相机APP,只需几步即可创建出奇怪的丑陋的人脸图片。有了它,你不用担心聊天时没有搞怪的照片,也不用担心拍不出拍有趣的照片!毕竟,只需手指一拖、一拉、一滑,即可轻松变换你的脸。
Ugly Camera is a funny selfie camera app that can easily take funny pictures. It only takes a few steps to create strange ugly faces. With it, you don't have to worry about not having funny pictures while chatting, and don't worry about not taking funny pictures! After all, you can easily change your face by dragging, pulling, and sliding with your fingers.
-采用Android 10(已完成Android 4.x支持)
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