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China Plus

China Plus

类别:新闻资讯     更新时间:2020-11-30 06:27:17


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China Plus,从国内外为您带来重大新闻和重要故事。此外,您还可以获得一系列全面的汉语课程和大量信息,使您的中国之行更轻松、更愉快。

China Plus focuses on the Middle Kingdom,bringing you breaking news and the stories that matter to you,from both inside and outside of the country.Also,gain access to a comprehensive series of Chinese lessons and a host of information that will make your visit to China easier and more enjoyable.

China Plus应用特色

1、A daily digest of what matters to China today

2、Live streaming audio news and a variety of other programs

3、Ni Hao:Chinese lessons,featuring audio and video options

4、Insightful op-ed pieces on China-related issues

5、My China:Original videos plus visa,travel and other information that will make your visit and stay in China easier and more enjoyable

6、My News:modify tags to personalize your news

7、Sign in to save links to your favorite stories,leave comments and send us stories

8、Find the most popular stories in Most Read

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